Countdown to Tweed

1 day left to dig out your SPF 99 and polarized Scott goggles. If it’s that sunny in Scotland imagine how balmy it is in Tweed!

Click here for Tweed Trial details.

(N Sturgeon pic)

3 nights, 2 days, 62 hours, 13 minutes, 76 marks lost do the math! 2018 ATA Tweed Spring Trial winner Jonathan English with Trials Master Dave Cordy.

…the count sits at 4 while a slew of Shercos seek shade from sweltering spring sunshine ..only in Tweed!

5 days to go until Tweed – No snow last w/e. The creek is receding …and the turtles are returning (March 30, 2018 pic)

Countdown continues – 6 days to go and no snow this year (April 15, 2018 pic)

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