Articles by ATA05

Results from the ATA Natl Kearney 2 Day Trial Sun 09-09-2017


  • Clerk of the course – section and loop design and tireless host – Mike Feiner
  • Sarah – Checker, B&B and chilli chef extraordinaire! 
  • Joe – property owner and driveway rut removal ..really appreciates that campers left the site garbage free.
  • Checkers – Andy, Manfred, Alex, Lucas, Andrew, Sarah and Owen, Jay, Tibor, Steven, and Norbert.
  • Event Sign In and Results – Cam, John, Pat, Joyce, Mike, Melissa & MTC.
  • Awards – all 66, as well as countless hours fixing up ATA fb and webpage posts – Melissa Carter Design
  • Clean up crew Mike with help from the Kearney Kids – Daniel, Dylan, Owen, Rose and Charlotte.

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Results from the ATA Natl Kearney 2 Day Trial Sun 09-09-2017
Results from the ATA Natl Kearney 2 Day Trial Sun 09-10-2017

CMA National Championship

Special thanks to Clerk of the course Mike Feiner who did an amazing job setting up 16 different looong sections with six different lines in each, and a punishing loop worthy of a National.


  • Sarah – Checker B&B and chilli chef extraordinaire!
  • Joe – property owner and driveway rut removal ..really appreciates that campers left the site garbage free.
  • Checkers – Andy, Manfred, Alex, Lucas, Andrew, Sarah and Owen, Jay, Tibor, Steven, and Norbert.
  • Event Sign In and Results – Cam, John, Pat, Joyce and Mike, Melissa & MTC.
  • Awards – all 66, as well as countless hours fixing up ATA facebook and webpage posts – Melissa Carter Design
  • Clean up crew – Mike with help from the Kearney Kids – Daniel, Dylan, Owen, Rose and Charlotte.

CMA National Results

CMA National Championship


Your choice of Instructors and locations.

August 17 2017. Trail Tours presents Champion Tim Coleman from Australia.
This is for people wanting to try trials, and for those that have experience.
$230 includes bike, or $165 on your bike
9 am to 3 pm. Contact us to reserve your spot
Contact  705 875 2980.
More info

August 28th, 2017. Rally Connex presents Paul Bolton from the UK
Learn advanced Trials Technquies for intemediate and Pro level trials tiding.
$250 North Toronto, Gooderham
More Info
To register

