Articles by ATA05

This year’s ATA Lion’s Head 2-Day Trial will be held on Saturday 27th & Sunday May 28th, 2023. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by Monday May 22nd to enter the event.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by Monday, May 22nd, 2023.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA member: $30.00 per day, or $50.00 for 2 days
    2. Clubman: $40.00 per day or $70.00 for 2 days, for those wishing to ‘Try-Trials’
    3. Entry on the day, or missing waiver form, add $5.00 admin fee.

Lion’s Head 2023 2-Day Trial


An Observed Motorcycle Trials Competition.


  • Saturday May 27th: Sign-In at 11am, Start at Noon.
  • Sunday May 28th: Sign-In at 10am, Start at 11am.


  • 2122 Bruce County Rd 9. Lion’s Head, ON N0H 1W0 (Between Hopeness Rd. and Scenic Caves Rd.)
  • There will be a portal at 2122 Bruce Road #9
  • Local Accommodation:


  • CMA License Required (unless elligible for Clubman Class)
  • To save time at Sign-in, please bring your printed and signed waiver to the trial. If you have not already renewed your CMA competition license please do so now.
  • Classes for Expert, Advanced, Intermediate, Junior, Novice, Vet 45, and Vet 55.
  • Clubman class for those riders wanting to ‘Try-Trials’.


  • CMA member: $30.00 per day, or $50.00 for 2 days.
  • Clubman: $40.00 per day or $70.00 for 2 days for those wanting to ‘Try-Trials’


  • Ride at your own risk
  • Respect the land owners wishes
  • No littering
  • Helmets at all times
  • Back protection and lanyard kill switches are mandatory for Expert & Advanced, and highly recommended for other classes.
  • COVID-19: Feeling sick? Stay home and stay safe. Please respect those wearing masks.

A reminder that this year’s ATA Perth Trial will be held on Sunday, May 7th, 2023. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by this Monday, May 1st to help the event organizers.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by this Monday, May 1st, 2023.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA Members: $30 pre-registered or $35 on the day
    2. Clubman: $50 pre-registered or $55 on the day

View event flyer here.


Last updated Sept 18th, 2023.

May 7thATA Perth Spring Trial
May 13th & 14thBMA Women’s Clinic
May 27th & 28thATA Lion’s Head 2-Day Trial
July 16thATA Arden Trial
July 29th & 30thUS Natl Rhode Island/NATC?
August 19th & 20thATA Tweed 2-Day Trial
September 2ndATA Westport
September 9th & 10thATA Sparrow Lake 2-Day Trial
September 30th & October 1stATAQ Rivière du-Loup – National Rounds 1&2
October 22ndATA AM (Lion’s Head) Trial

This year’s ATA Perth Trial will be held on Sunday, May 7th, 2023. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by Monday, May 1st to help the event organizers.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by Monday, May 1st, 2023.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA Members: $30 pre-registered or $35 on the day
    2. Clubman: $50 pre-registered or $55 on the day

View event flyer here.

Congratulations on the great results from local Ontario riders at Round 2 of the 2023 NATC MotoTrials Series in the Florida sunshine today.
Jon English 7th Expert
Trevor Howarth 1st SR-Clubman
Dave Cordy 6th SR-Clubman
Also making the trip south across the border
Felix Fortin-Belanger 9th Expert (PQ)
Paul-Yvan Belanger 2nd SR-60 (PQ)
Bill de Garis 1st SR-75 (BC)
..more results at MotoTrials
Our sincerest condolences go out to the family of Gerry Young, who we are saddened to report passed away late last week.
Gerry organized Welland County Motorcycle Cub Trials events at the Robin Hood Quarry for many years. He enjoyed every minute of the Classic Trials Group events, and was proud of completing each muddy loop of the recent Pontypool Kawartha Classic where many riders just punched 5’s. Always humble and with a big smile.
A true gentleman of the sport.