
View the full Trial Season calendar here.

source: CMA website February 5, 2016

As our association celebrates its 70th anniversary, 2016 is also a historic year for our longest running national championship. For an unequalled 67th straight year a CMA national trials champion will be declared, and making the occasion even more special is the announcement that for the first time, Saskatchewan will be the host province. 

The Saskatchewan Flatland Trials Association, in cooperation with the town of Bengough, will organize the event on August 20 and 21. The partnership is a new approach and one we hope will be adopted by our trials organizers in other provinces. 

The friendly farming community of Bengough will be welcoming trials riders from across Canada with open arms, for a weekend of trials and festivities. It is the last town before the land falls away into one of Canada’s most picturesque and unique geographic regions, the Big Muddy Valley! 

Derek Thomas, CMA Board Member and Secretary of SFTA says, “We invite all trials riders from East and West to come together in central Canada, for an unforgettable CMA National Trials Championship and genuine Saskatchewan hospitality”.


A big thank you to all the 2016 Supershow volunteers who spent time on the ATA booth talking up trials, explaining the lack of seats, the secretive nature of hiding/riding in the woods, and being quiet about it, but most importantly answering the infamous “How fast do they go?”.

Thanks to Al Kirn, Dave Main twice, John Searle, Paul Howarth, Paul McCurlie, Ron Golden, Steve Mumford twice, and Zack Tustin. Thanks to Les Birchall and Andy Gale for help during the annual teardown snow storm.

Most of all thanks to Dave Butler for his help setting up, manning, and dismatling the booth – the beer nut vendors were not amused. One ice cream – such restraint! 

Q. Which other off road sport had ten current but different makes of bike at the show? 



Mark your calendars for Jan 8-10, 2016. The Hendersons will all be there, but for the benefit of Mr.Kite the ÁTÀ could still use your help with the hogsheads of real fire ..pretty please!  
