
Here you will find the results for all past trials. Click here to view past standings.

Congratulations on the great results from local Ontario riders at Round 2 of the 2023 NATC MotoTrials Series in the Florida sunshine today.
Jon English 7th Expert
Trevor Howarth 1st SR-Clubman
Dave Cordy 6th SR-Clubman
Also making the trip south across the border
Felix Fortin-Belanger 9th Expert (PQ)
Paul-Yvan Belanger 2nd SR-60 (PQ)
Bill de Garis 1st SR-75 (BC)
..more results at MotoTrials

Thank you all for coming out to our final trial. Lots of sunshine and laughter, stories about trials gone by and great riding by you.

  • My thanks go to Don, Jim, Tony and Mike for helping me with set-up.
  • Kudos go to Shelley and Elaine for sign-in and results and to Shirley for the 50/50 draw.
  • Our checkers for the day: Gord, Dylan and his mates, Kelly, Mark, Shirley, Jim, Pete and myself. A big thanks to them.
  • And as always, a huge appreciation and thanks to Neil for everything he has done for us and other organizers over the years.

We’ll meet again, not sure when, but we do know where.
Take good care!
Cheers from Elaine & Clive. ECTA

View full results here.


Thank you to Pat and Dave Southam for hosting the event and taking care of all the paperwork, and to Helen for her help with the scoring.

Weather was touch and go with the storm closing in but there was a good turnout nonetheless.

So after an irregular summer vacation delay the last of the windswept rider cards has been entered for those interested in the full results.

Next Trial: ECTA Lion’s Head Finale Trial on Sun Oct 23rd. Registration information coming soon.

View full results.



Here are the results from the ATA Sparrow Lake 2-day Trial on Sept 10th & 11th, 2022. Many thanks to Joyce and Dave Butler for hosting the D&J Motorcycles 40th Anniversary TDN raffle and bbq.


  • Dave Butler, and Steve Mumford for the section setup with 9 different sections for Sunday, switching out the bottomless bog for a river splash!
  • Joyce, Denise, Kate, Helen, Pat & Tina for their help with the results ..always challenging when there is a ‘little’ mud involved!
  • Thank you again to all who volunteered.

Next event: ECTA Lion’s Head Trial on Sun Oct 23rd. Registration information coming soon.

View full results here.


Here are the full results of the Tweed TDN Fundraiser Trial on August 27th & 28th, 2022.

Thank you to Dave and Helen Cordy for hosting the 2022 2-Day Tweed TDN Fundraiser Trial.

Three long loops of 12 sections, with different sections and loop for Day 2. Very obvious that there was a lot of time spent grooming the new loop  …and the addition of the slippery hornets on section 12 was just icing on the cake!

Thanks to the Section set-up crew of Dave Cordy, Brandon & Lucas Cambareri, Kevin Cordy, & Jonathan English, with special mention to Helen, Dave and Steve Morris for all their work on the bbq fund raiser.

Thank you to Helen for handling sign up and donations, and let’s not forget the lively scoring team of Helen, Joyce, Pat & Denise.

Congratulations to the overall 2 day Expert winner of the Serres Cup, 2022 TDN Team member Kevin Cordy.

Next CMA event: ATA – Sparrow Lake Trial, on Sept 10th & 11th, 2022.

View full results here.

