
Here you will find the results for all past trials. Click here to view past standings.

Here are the detailed results from the Sparrow Lake 2-day Trial.

Many thanks to Joyce and Dave Butler for hosting the ‘hottest’ event of the season. Fortunately most riders were on the road home before the heavens opened!
Thank you to Dave Butler, Steve and Tyler Mumford for all the section clearing & setup, and thanks to the Marshalls’ and Mike McCormick for the Sunday section card switching. Thanks also to the hard working Scoring Team of Joyce, Helen, and Tina – all much appreciated. Volunteers – you can’t beat them!

View full results here.



Thank you to Dave and Helen Cordy for hosting the 2021 Tweed Serres Cup 2-Day Trial. Round 2 & 3 of the ATA series.

10 different sections, two different loops, and after months of preparation, it all paid dividends with two really fun events in perfect August weather.

Thanks to the Section set-up crew of Dave, Brian, & Kevin, and the rider card scoring humour from Helen, Joyce, Pat & Tina.

Congratulations to Serres Cup winner Expert rider Kevin Cordy.

Next CMA event: ATA – Sparrow Lake Trial, Aug 21st & 22nd, 2021.

Click here to view full results.


Here are the detailed results from last Sundays’ ECTA Lion’s Head event. With the recent cancellation of the Vintage Thistle the next scheduled event will be the 2 day ATA Trial in Tweed on Aug 14th & 15th.


  • Many thanks to our set up crew – Jim Cox, Steve Heseltine and Tony Westbrook and to our result tabulators Helen and Elaine.
  • Thank you Cam Whiffing and Eagle Press for supplying the section markers to keep the riders on the right track.
  • And a very special thanks to Neil Carter who did all of the electronic preregistration and reminders so that our trial could get off the ground.
  • And thank all of you for coming out to support ECTA. We will keep you posted about our next event scheduled for the weekend of October 16-17.

Cheers, Clive

Click here to view full results.


Thank you to Mike Thomson for hosting the Canal Classic ‘Fun-in-the-sun’ Round 1 of the 2021 ATA series.


  • Setup: Mike Thomson ..days turned into weeks turned into months, and then the C-19 reschedule delay. Obviously a tremendous effort spent in clearing out 9 sections, and 5 different lines, as well as all the work with the NATC rules handouts.
  • Thanks to Ron Gamm for instructing the Novice and Junior riders.
  • Rider card deciphering by Helen & Joyce. Future Trials Schools will need to include an hour on rider card data entry and addition! (rant)
  • Contingency prizes supplied by: Team Montesa/Honda.
  • Special thanks to Land owners and Trail Coordinators: Niagara Timberline Riders, St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, City of Port Colborne, & Jungbunzlauer.

Click here to view full results.


Here are the final results for the ATA 2020 Series.

Special thanks to the series event organizers Dave Butler, Dave Cordy, Dave Southam, Clive & Elaine Barnes-Moss,
and their setup crews for all the extra effort involved in holding safe and socially distant events.

Personal thanks to those behind the scenes whose hard work too often goes unnoticed, including Joyce Butler, Helen Cordy,
Pat Southam, Elaine Mowry, and my very understanding, under appreciated support team of Theresa and Melissa, who spent countless hours with COVID-19 regulations, pre-entry forms, email reminders, and prompt results turnaround.

Thank you. NC

Click here to view full results.


Thank you to those who attended the ATA Lions Head Trial and for following the Covid-19 protocol. As always the biggest thanks to jovial event hosts Elaine & Clive, for pulling off this event in such complicated times.

Many thanks to:

Clerk of the course: Clive Barnes-Moss, and his setup crew of Don Wilson and Jim Cox.
Social distancing Sign-In: Elaine Mowry
Score card cyphers: Elaine & Shirley
Checkers: Helen & Tina, John, Mark, Don, Donna, Jim, Clive, Greg, Steve, Joe, Joyce & Shelley.
Parking: Thank you to the very generous neighbours for allowing riders to park on their properties.


Thank you to those who attended the ATA Arden Trial. Here are the detailed results.

Clerk of the course: Dave Southam.
Social distancing Sign-In: Pat Southam
Score card cyphers: Helen, Joyce, Pat & ‘Bob’ (in absentia)
Very generous event hosts: Pat & Dave Southam
