As we welcome in the New Year we should give another shout out to the Ontario Trials Masters for their tireless efforts in organizing 11 ATA events during the 2024 season.
In date sequence:
Dave Southam, Mike McCormick, Dave Southam, Dave Cordy, April Baird, Dave Butler, their very understanding partners, and scarce set-up crews.
Please take the time to thank them profusely for their dedication to Trials, given the time it takes to groom 5 lines for 7 different rider classes in each section, without any control of the weather that Mother
Nature throws at them the night before a 2 Day Trial.
Their only reward is hearing that riders enjoyed a challenging but safe event, so thank them again now even if you did already, and be sure to add your name to the list of volunteers for 2025.
Many thanks to the unsung heroes of our beloved sport.

Well done all involved