Here are the final results for the ATA 2020 Series.

Special thanks to the series event organizers Dave Butler, Dave Cordy, Dave Southam, Clive & Elaine Barnes-Moss,
and their setup crews for all the extra effort involved in holding safe and socially distant events.

Personal thanks to those behind the scenes whose hard work too often goes unnoticed, including Joyce Butler, Helen Cordy,
Pat Southam, Elaine Mowry, and my very understanding, under appreciated support team of Theresa and Melissa, who spent countless hours with COVID-19 regulations, pre-entry forms, email reminders, and prompt results turnaround.

Thank you. NC

Click here to view full results.


Thank you to those who attended the ATA Lions Head Trial and for following the Covid-19 protocol. As always the biggest thanks to jovial event hosts Elaine & Clive, for pulling off this event in such complicated times.

Many thanks to:

Clerk of the course: Clive Barnes-Moss, and his setup crew of Don Wilson and Jim Cox.
Social distancing Sign-In: Elaine Mowry
Score card cyphers: Elaine & Shirley
Checkers: Helen & Tina, John, Mark, Don, Donna, Jim, Clive, Greg, Steve, Joe, Joyce & Shelley.
Parking: Thank you to the very generous neighbours for allowing riders to park on their properties.


A reminder that this year’s ECTA Lion’s Head Trial will be organized in conjunction with the ATA, and held on Sunday, October 18th, 2020. Pre-entry registration is required as soon as possible, and by Saturday October 10th at the latest. Event organizers need to know how many riders will be attending to arrange sufficient parking, and section spacing. We are planning to have socially distant checkers at each section, so help from guests will be much appreciated. We have also made new arrangements this year for off-road discreet parking.

To pre-register please:

  1. Read our COVID-19 Safety Measures and questionnaire here.
  2. Fill out this pre-registration form as soon as possible.
  3. Send your pre-entry fee of $25 (or $30 for Clubman) via e-transfer to


This year’s ECTA Lion’s Head Trial will be organized in conjunction with the ATA, and held on Sunday, October 18, 2020. Pre-entry registration and payment are required to enter the event. Please fill out the pre-entry form as soon as possible as we may have to limit the number of riders permitted due to COVID-19 safety regulations. Please note this is a one day event and on site camping is not available.

To pre-register please:

  1. Read our COVID-19 Safety Measures and questionnaire here.
  2. Fill out this pre-registration form as soon as possible.
  3. Send your pre-entry fee of $25 (or $30 for Clubman) via e-transfer to


Thank you to those who attended the ATA Arden Trial. Here are the detailed results.

Clerk of the course: Dave Southam.
Social distancing Sign-In: Pat Southam
Score card cyphers: Helen, Joyce, Pat & ‘Bob’ (in absentia)
Very generous event hosts: Pat & Dave Southam


A reminder that this year’s ATA Arden Trial will be held on Saturday, September 26 & Sunday, September 27, 2020. Thanks to those who have already registered. For those who haven’t, pre-entry registration and payment are required by today to enter the event.

To pre-register please:

  1. Read our COVID-19 Safety Measures and questionnaire here.
  2. Fill out this pre-registration form by today.
  3. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    • 1 day – $25 ($30 for Clubman)
    • 2 days – $40 ($50 for Clubman)
