The Trial Des Nations, FIM World Championship for national teams will take place in Gouveia, Portugal on September 12th & 13th.

The CMA would like to hear from riders and support people, who are interested in sending a team.

Please direct your response to

Heather Marshall
Canadian Motorcycle Association
Phone: 905-522-5705




The 2020 schedule is now live with our first event on April 25th & 26th in Tweed. More details on the Tweed trial coming shortly.

Please check back closer to event dates to confirm details. Clubman class available for new trials riders and returning Non-CMA members.

April 25th & 26th ATA Tweed 2-Day Trial
May 10th Woodys/EricB/ Perth (Non CMA event)
May 23rd & 24th ECTA Lion’s Head
August 7th, 8th, & 9th Thistle Off-Road Festival (Non CMA event)
August 22nd & 23rd ATA Sparrow Lake
September 12th & 13th ATA Kearney
September 26th & 27th ATA Arden
October 18th ECTA Fall
October 24th (Saturday) ATA Tweed

Happy New Year to you and your family.

The ATA is looking forward to a SUPER Trials season in 2020, but first we would like to see you at the 2020 Motorcycle Supershow. ATA Booth #4200 in Hall #4 at the International Centre (Toronto Airport) – Free parking!

Your favourite sport of Trials needs YOU.

We are asking for volunteers to promote Trials by bench racing and spreading the word with your enthusiasm.

More riders and spectators = more events, more locations, better bike resale prices, better store selection of gear, etc. etc..
A 2-3 hr shift works best leaving you time to look around the show for Spanish beer nuts and Italian ice cream, or bargain priced ATA Extreme videos for cure of cabin fever, or you could also take in the MILITARY MUSEUM EXHIBIT display with a real Sherman Tank within the Heroes Highway Ride exhibit, or the THE PURRFECT ANGELZ live stage show by professional cheerleaders, dancers, trained gymnasts, aerial artists, fire twirlers, and singers ..future trials riders (?)  Your One-Stop-Shop for everything in Motorcycling!

2020 Supershow hours:
Friday Jan 3: 11AM – 9PM
Saturday Jan 4: 10AM – 8PM
Sunday Jan 5: 10AM – 5PM

So please, if you can spare a few hours hit reply now, and say YES to a season of Trials to remember.

Thanks in advance and have a great New Year. See you at the show. More info on the show @

P.S. Regular admission $20. Free pass provided in exchange for a 2-3 hour shift.
P.P.S Please hit that Reply button before you change your mind;),


Congratulations to the 2019 CMA Ontario Trials Champions.

There were 12 trials events in the 2019 regional series.
This would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of the event organizers, so a big thank you to:

  • Dave & Helen Cordy,
  • Clive & Elaine Barnes-Moss
  • Cam Whiffing & Bob Kelly
  • Dave & Joyce Butler
  • Mike & Sarah Feiner
  • Dave & Pat Southam
  • and also their dedicated set-up teams
  • Please be sure to thank them all, and at the same time please offer them some help in 2020.


2019 CMA Ontario Trials Champions

  • Expert – Brian Wojnarowski – Sherco
  • Advanced – Rob Smithurst – Sherco
  • Intermediate – Devyn Marshall – Beta
  • Junior – Lucas Cambareri – Beta
  • Novice – Robin Farr – Gasgas
  • Veteran 45 – Trevor Howarth – Beta
  • Veteran 55 – Paul Howarth – Sherco

Thank you to Helen and Dave Cordy for hosting round 6 & 7 of the 2019 ATA series. Setup: Dave Cordy with help from Brian Wojnarowski & Rob Smithurst. 2 days, 20 sections, 5 lines, 4 different loops – phew! Sign-In Helen and Dave. Results scoreboard c/o the bewitching ladies… Helen, Joyce, Pat, Shelley. Contingency prizes from Hosepower Canada. 2019 winner of the Serres Trophy for Outstanding Expert – Jon English.
Next CMA event: ATA – Arden, Oct 6th, 2019

