Thank you for supporting the inaugural ATA Horseshoe Valley SMART Trial.

It was great to see so many new riders attending the school, and riding their first trial on the same day.

An update will follow regarding the funds raised for the Bob Rumball Camp of the Deaf.



Click the results image for a clearer view, or click the MORE  button below.  Many thanks to those who helped setup this inaugural event:-   

Clerk of the course: Trevor Howarth.  

Gracious property owners: Lee & Marci Hill.  

Trial section layout: Lee Hill, Trevor, Travis, and Paul Howarth.  

& Scoring: John Searle Jnr.  

Thanks to all the riders, familiar and new faces, who supported this inaugural event. Despite the forecast the breeze kept the heat in check, but still a good idea to inspect your air filter;)  


Quick update from Graham Pyl of the South Western Ontario Vintage Trials Group on date changes.
St.Thomas – June 12th (no change)
Grand Prix de Mud – June 25
Kohler – July 24.
See more @
