Thank you all for coming out to our final trial. Lots of sunshine and laughter, stories about trials gone by and great riding by you.

  • My thanks go to Don, Jim, Tony and Mike for helping me with set-up.
  • Kudos go to Shelley and Elaine for sign-in and results and to Shirley for the 50/50 draw.
  • Our checkers for the day: Gord, Dylan and his mates, Kelly, Mark, Shirley, Jim, Pete and myself. A big thanks to them.
  • And as always, a huge appreciation and thanks to Neil for everything he has done for us and other organizers over the years.

We’ll meet again, not sure when, but we do know where.
Take good care!
Cheers from Elaine & Clive. ECTA

View full results here.


On September 25th the Canadian team of Kevin Cordy (Vertigo), Sam King (Beta), and Alex Walton (TRS) represented Canada at the Trials des Nations in Italy. The team had a follow-up meeting to discuss what went well, and what we could improve on in the future. The number one thing that REALLY went well was the support from the Canadian Trials community! There had been criticism in the past that there may be people who do not strive to represent Canada at the TdN because of the associated cost to attend. So, it is just fantastic to see the riding community getting behind the sport with such strong support over the last 2 years which is leading to more and more riders being strongly encouraged to “go for it”!

As with any sport it takes an enormous amount of time and energy to be the best in the country. The fact that the team is receiving the kind of support they are from the riding community truly helps fuel their efforts to succeed at the National and International level of our sport. This year the team was able to raise $18,000 from over 70 individual supporters! This combined with bike support from the Canadian distributors of Beta, Vertigo, TRS, and Scorpa , plus gear support from Mountain Motorcycles and Jitsie meant that all of the rider’s costs were covered this year. In addition to minder Steve Day, we had minders Alan Vidal and Jean Felix in Europe that brought additional support from Ancelle and Dherby which was invaluable. A special thanks also go out to Trystan Hart for donating a jersey to help with our fundraising and to the special anonymous trials rider who donated $2,000 to the team followed by an additional $2,000 for “celebrating” the team’s success.

The team just wanted to once again say Thank You to all of the riding community for its support!!!


Update for those not following the ATA Facebook feed.

The Fall Frolic Trial is the Final ECTA event, so if you are undecided about attending please seriously re-consider. Come either as a rider or a spectator, and show support for the 40+ years of Trials organized by Clive and Elaine and the ECTA club members, many of whom volunteer to check, while giving up a ride for your enjoyment of the event.

Please spread the word.

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday October 23rd.

View full event details here.


A reminder that this year’s ECTA Lion’s Head Fall Trial will be held on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by tomorrow, Thursday, October 13th, 2022 to help the event organizers.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by tomorrow, Thursday, October 13th, 2022.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA Members: $20 pre-registered or $25 on the day
    2. Clubman: $30 pre-registered or $35 on the day

View event flyer here.


This year’s ECTA Lion’s Head Fall Trial will be held on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022. Pre-entry registration and payment are required by Thursday, October 13th, 2022 to help the event organizers.

To pre-register please:

  1. Fill out this pre-registration form by Thursday, October 13th, 2022.
  2. Send your pre-entry fee via e-transfer to
    1. CMA Members: $20 pre-registered or $25 on the day
    2. Clubman: $30 pre-registered or $35 on the day

View event flyer here.


Thank you to Pat and Dave Southam for hosting the event and taking care of all the paperwork, and to Helen for her help with the scoring.

Weather was touch and go with the storm closing in but there was a good turnout nonetheless.

So after an irregular summer vacation delay the last of the windswept rider cards has been entered for those interested in the full results.

Next Trial: ECTA Lion’s Head Finale Trial on Sun Oct 23rd. Registration information coming soon.

View full results.

