Scottish Six Days Trial 2016
News wrap up for those that stay away from social media and Facebook like the plague!
05-01-2016: Good luck to sole Canadian rider – Brian Wojnarowski riding his Sherco #280 in this years Scottish Six Days of Sunshine.
05-03-2016: 84 pts today for another slippery ride now sitting in 160th, and the picture from Trials Central says those new sections aren’t for the faint of heart!
05-04-2016: Still raining in places (Scotland) – still smiling. The forecast is sunny for the w/e. Keep it up Brian!
05-04-2016: So you shrugged off the horizontal rain kept ahead of the breaking waves following you up stream thought Hump Day was almost over
..and forgot for a moment that a dour damp Scotsman doesnahava sensa humour
…then turned the corner to be ‘burned’ by Big Dar himself.
5mins 30 into the video for another view of how they sort the boys from the men from the Lampkins!
Big Dars’ Burn – hearty attempts by Splatshop owner Chris Pearson, followed up by top Scott Gary MacDonald.
Needless to say only 13 of 261 riders reached the Ends cards.
05-05-2016: Day 4 and Wojo still climbing through the clouds for a rare glimpse of sunshine.
Meanwhile a certain ex World Champ (there are two in the event) rode clean all day to move into the lead with a 5 point margin.
Pressure building with 2 days and 60 sections left to ride.

05-07-2016: Brian found the Enduro ign map switch just at the wrong moment! ..sun too bright ..send more rain.

05-07-2016: Ok so that almost looks like a grin Brian!

05-07-2016: Another view of Big Dar’s Burn ….or is that Town Hall Brae?

05-07-2016: It might look like he is playing for the camera, but in fact Brian just escaped a hole and step combo that took marks by the boot full!

05-08-2016: Not sure about handing in his score card ..might just head out for another loop.

05-08-2016: Fatigue setting in but getting the hang of those rocks …Red on the right?
Yikes. Only in Canada you say!
Brian finished a gruelling six days on 489 pts for 155th place out of 279 starters.

Congratulations Brian.